Thursday, September 1, 2016

Expert Health And Beauty Hacks For Brides Who Are Running Short On Time

You tend to indulge in every aspect of beauty before your much-awaited wedding to emerge as a perfect bride; be it your hair, makeup or your outfit. In the meanwhile, no matter how hard you try, the never-ending wedding shopping and tiresome outings makes it difficult for your skin to retain its glow.
As what you eat shows absolutely on your skin, therefore with a proper and healthy diet regime, you can certainly maintain your beauty while you are out to shop. Let me share a healthy regime that all busy brides should follow, if they wish to emerge as the prettiest bride of the world.

Eat Healthy

Wedding shopping snatches a lot of your time for sure. During this whole hustle-bustle of wedding preparations you end up messing-up with your daily schedule. In that case, you might often go out skipping on the essential meals as well as the nutritional needs, which would make your skin to lose its lustre. Therefore, it is advisable to have a wholesome meal, which includes yogurt, sprouts, eggs, veggies, etc., as your breakfast. This will help you to stay active and energized for the rest of the day.
But, in case you are in an excessive hurry, here is a quick and healthy recipe that would help you get your dose of wholesome nutrition in a jiffy.
For this,
  • Steam a bowlful of sprouts in a microwave.
  • Add chopped red pepper, yellow pepper, tomato, onion, green chilies and mix well.
  • Now, garnish with grinded homemade cottage cheese (toned paneer), lemon juice and add salt-to-taste.
The sprouts will fulfill the protein needs of your body while multi-coloured veggies in the recipe contain antioxidants, which are excellent for your skin’s healthy and beauty. Besides these, Cheez acts a great calcium source, and lemon will make your skin glow with health through its vitamin-C content. Now isn’t it a quick, hassle-free and tasty way to keep yourself healthy and beautiful? So, try it out!
Apart from these sprouts, you can also make a chickpea salad, or keep a healthy roll or sandwich with you while you are on the go.

Tasty Fruits

Yes, often while shopping, you also might feel the urge of having something to eat, after getting all tired and exhausted. Well, instead of having oily-fried food that is available readily in the market, having an apple or an orange as your midday snack is a wiser choice.
Besides the fact that they hydrate and rejuvenate your skin, the very smell of a fruit can prove quite de-stressing on a hectic day. Therefore, carrying a pre-washed fruit in your bag is advisable, when you are out running around for your wedding-preparations.
You can also have a glass full of fresh fruit juice to brighten your skin tone from within. For instance, juice of pomegranate with pineapple would fulfill iron and vitamin-C needs of your body; while infusing a natural flush on your skin.

Water Power

Benefits of water for supple skin are not hidden from anyone; and since it is your wedding, so its significance becomes more. Guzzling around 10-12 glasses of water improves the blood circulation and flushes the toxins out of your body. This will also help to keep your skin hydrated while making your skin texture smoother and glowing.
You may also opt for fruit juices, lemonade, coconut water or other healthy drinks to keep yourself hydrated along with satiating your taste buds in a healthy way. Just stay far away from aerated beverages and hard drinks. As, these prove to be great alternatives for water and are easily available everywhere.
So, no matter how busy you are, now no need to use that as an excuse to ignore your health and skin. Use these tips to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
Article by– Ms. Bharti TanejaBeauty Expert and Director of ALPS Beauty Clinics.
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